Tropical Maniac |
Would you like to be a tropical maniac? TM is the logo you may have been seeing on clothing and stickers that represents one of my favorite lifestyle brands, Tropical Maniac. We are crazy for the tropical life. We love the beach, saltwater and basically anything and everything that has to do with it. I had the pleasure of meeting up with the owners at the Orlando Surf Expo (photo above) and they are the coolest. They are great people with a great company.
The "Tropical Maniac" shack is located in Matagorda, Texas. You can shop in person or online for beach gear, beach furniture, beach art and souvenirs. I like my shirts because the fabric is light-weight and they have creative sayings on them. The backs of my Tropical Maniac shirts say "Seize the Bay" and "It's all about that bays and treble." My hat is adjustable and just right for fishing or boating in the hot Florida sun. My awesome sister-in-law loves the tank I gave her as well. There are stylish shirts for the guys and long-sleeved choices that you can check out on the link below.
If you love palm trees and eighty degrees, you are probably a tropical maniac, too. There is a possibility that these shirts are good luck because look at the catches from when I happened to be wearing them. I'm on a mission to save the ocean so, don't worry the shark was thrown back. Stay tropical friends!
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